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Fighter's Fight

I was going to start this post by telling you I'm not an addict. That I don't personally know that struggle, but that would be a lie. I love an addict. I do know that struggle. But it isn't my personal struggle. My fight is different, but it's still there.

The point is, we're all addicted to something. We all have our vices and our bad habits. We're human, it's only natural. Not all of us have good days all of the time. Shit, a lot of the time we probably have bad days. There is so much negativity in the world right now that you can't ignore it. And within that world, we all have our own worlds. With a million other problems throughout our day.

The struggle is something we all have, and it's personalized. Sometimes, you might not even know what that other person is going through. You don't know. I don't know, and that's the point. To show them they're not struggling alone. They're not fighting alone. They're not unheard.

Maybe that woman serving you coffee has had three years clean today. That man who let you take that pump at the gas station, his wife is battling cancer. The guy who held the door open for you? His son just passed away.

Every single one of us has a war going on, that they are fighting every day, that you know nothing about. Remember that the next time you find yourself in a dark place.

You're not alone. Make it through the day. Recover. Repeat, but stronger this time.

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